Custom Lapel Pins to Promote Public Transportation

Custom Lapel Pins to Promote Public Transportation
May 23, 2023

Custom lapel pins help promote public transportation.  The small pieces of memorabilia are important to cities that rely on trains, trolleys, and buses for revenue.  In addition to reducing congestion on the road and pollution in the air, public transportation makes it easy for people without vehicles to travel around the city and commute back and forth to work. Public transportation lapel pins come in a variety of sizes, shapes, styles, and colors.  They can be soft enamel, cloisonné, offset printed or die struck depending on the transportation authority’s preferences.  Pins can be given away when a person purchases a pass for the week or month or they can be sold as a way to increase revenue. Transportation lapel pins can be shaped like a train, a trolley or a bus.  This makes them easy to identify from a great distance.  People will see the pins and know instantly what they represent.  Anyone requiring transportation in the city will know where to find it after seeing the pins.  A website URL can be included in the design as a way of directing people to schedules and weather updates. Custom lapel pins can have an image or photograph on them.  They can also have a slogan or phrase incorporated in their design.  The more visually appealing the design is to others the more likely people will wear the pins wherever they go.  This is a plus because it gives transportation services more exposure throughout the year.  Instead of relying on printed advertising to do the trick, transportation authorities can use word-of-mouth promotion with custom lapel pins. Help promote public transportation in your community.  Visit today to request a free price quote and full color digital proof.  Email or call 1-866-604-9462 toll-free.  We’ll get to work designing custom artwork for your transportation lapel pins.

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