It is a very common request to have an order of custom challenge coins created faster than our normal turnaround time. It is a possibility to have them manufactured in 4 to 6 business days but we do want you to know that some sacrifices may be made to the overall design of the product. With that being said, if your main goal is to have something in hand to give out at a conference or to present at a ceremony, you will still have a great looking challenge coin to share with others. The challenge coin shown here was created for USCGC Decisive which is based out of Pascagoula, Mississippi. It is void of color and antique plated which made it an ideal candidate for faster than normal production. In addition to being timeless, it also is very personal. It doesn’t take much time to realize just how valuable of an award a custom challenge coin like this is. Recipients of challenge coins can feel the weightiness of their award in their hand. They can feel the raised metal and different textures included on the surface of the coin. To learn more about the manufacturing process or to order challenge coins of your own, contact All About Challenge Coins by emailing, calling 1-800-667-5931 or visiting us online at We look forward to hearing from you!