Published authors worldwide are constantly on the lookout for new and improved ways to promote their next book. Brad Thor is one such person. He contacted us with a special request for a custom challenge coin to hand out to his devout fans. The men and women interact with him on his personal message board and forums. Thor, being the creative thinker that he is, decided to coin the term “Thorum” to describe the area of his website,, dedicated to corresponding with fans. Individuals that post messages are called “Thorum Members”. included in its design. Details like these help draw interest in the book and author. They also serve as the ultimate way to say “Thanks!” to the most loyal fans.
Include with Promotional Materials as a Way to Stand Out with the Media Authors that want to create a packet of promotional materials to send to the media benefit from creating custom coins to hand out. These personalized pieces of memorabilia make a great impression on the people that they are given to. That’s because they’re designed in a way that grabs people’s attention. From bold images and photographs to custom text, authors from all genres can use challenge coins to promote their upcoming titles as well as their website. Custom sized and shaped, challenge coins do not have to be round nor do they need to be small. They can be cut out to resemble an image and can even be oversized if the author prefers. Information gathered at the beginning of your request helps us determine your needs. It also helps our graphic artists to come up with a design that is a direct reflection of you as a writer. Visit today to learn more about creating custom challenge coins to hand out to your biggest fans and the media today. Whenever you’re ready to request a free quote, call 1-800-667-5931 toll-free. We’ll be more than happy to help you determine what types of information should go on your fan club’s custom challenge coin.