On behalf of the All About network, we want to wish you a safe Memorial Day. Take a moment to honor the men and women who lost their lives serving our country. Commend their service by wearing your American flag pin, a symbol of our nation’s freedom. Attend a parade or memorial service honoring members of the armed services. Keep the memory of lost loved ones alive by reflecting on the sacrifice each person made in order to defend the United States and its people. Without these brave souls, we wouldn’t experience the level of freedom that we enjoy today. We want to take a moment to thank our military troops past and present for their hard work and dedication. We appreciate your efforts and feel honored that we have had the distinct pleasure of working with you throughout our career. We send support to military families dealing with the loss of a loved one this Memorial Day. We hope that your day is safe and memorable. It is our goal to be of service to you in the future in whatever way that we can. Whether it’s creating a custom challenge coin for your military unit or designing a lapel pin for you to sell as a fundraiser for a military-based charitable organization, we’ve got your needs covered. Contact us through our website, by phone or email. You can call 1-866-604-9462 toll-free. If you’d rather submit your request through the computer, you can do so by directing your inquiry to
info@allaboutpins.com. We’ll make sure that you’re in touch with the right department to handle your request for challenge coins and key rings.