United Way Worldwide provides leadership and support for nearly 1,800 community-based United Ways located in 45 countries and territories. Through its vision of stronger individuals and families, the organization promotes education, income stability, and healthy living. It is there that people are able to reach their fullest potential personally and professionally.
Organizations, like the United Way, often create lapel pins as a way of recognizing their volunteers. A person’s time and talents should be acknowledged especially if it is being donated. A volunteers’ work is no less stressful or difficult than any paid line of work so boosting morale and providing motivation through tiered awards programs is a great idea. Awards can be give based on the length of time invested or goal achieved. Custom lapel pins also help with identification. They help to maintain a consistent and professional atmosphere. The pins help with branding when they are emblazoned with logos or emblems related to the cause or organization that the volunteers are supporting. Custom lanyards can be created along with the pins. Volunteers can wear their lanyard complete with badge holder attachment and custom lapel pins to work in the community. People will see the logo or emblem and associate the volunteer with the organization and its efforts. Reward the volunteers in your organization with custom lapel pins. Visit https://allaboutpins.com/ today to request a free price quote. You can also email your request to info@allaboutpins.com or call 1-866-604-9462 toll-free. We’ll be more than happy to assist you with your request and help you come up with a design that best fits your needs. Contact us today to get started.