The nature of today’s world is unpredictable. Communication needs to be instant and clear when handling disasters. It also needs to be readily available. Verizon Wireless, one of the largest mobile telecommunications networks and wireless phone providers in the United States, steps in with a special team to work jointly with our nation’s firefighters, police officers, and EMTs to establish secure, reliable communications wherever it is needed.
Challenge Coins Are Traded Between Groups Actively traded between police and sheriff’s departments and firefighters, there’s no better way to break the ice and get your company’s name out there than with custom challenge coins. Handing these out on the job site could mean future business and even help you secure repeat business. If you want a memorable way for others to take interest in you and what you have to offer in terms of products and services, you should consider ordering custom challenge coins.
Raise Awareness with Custom Messages Increasing your company’s visibility by making personalized products to hand out is brilliant. This is especially true when interacting with different agencies and organizations. You can bring your company to new heights by raising awareness about the types of services it provides. Durable and personal, challenge coins serve as the ultimate marketing tool as demonstrated by Verizon Wireless. Find this out for yourself by contacting All About Coins today. Visit us at, email or call 1-800-667-5931 toll-free. You’ll love hearing about all the options that we make available for our challenge coin customers. In fact, you may find one or two that appeal to you.